Monday, July 23, 2012

favorite song of all time and a little parental advice

I do have a concert that I would like to write about, but it occurred to me today, that while I have a clip of my favorite song of all time, I've never written about it.  So here goes.  I wrote about my top 5 favorite movies tonight...and that was tough for a few reasons...A) as I was writing about them, other fabulous movies popped into my head and B) I was having a very difficult time explaining why they were my top 5 favorite movies.  And so it goes with my favorite song of all time...Can't Help Falling In Love With You by Elvis Presley.

I love this song.  love. Love. LOVE.  I love the melody, I love the lyrics...Elvis's voice...what is not to love.  But there is something that goes so much deeper than that...a reason why without hesitation I can say that this is my most favorite song of all time.

I can't say much for the technical level of the song because I don't know technical stuff about music...but I do know how, better than many, I would say, to truly enjoy music.  When I was little, my mom would sing to me at night and in the mornings to wake me up. I am not a morning person and it was a pleasant way to wake up.  I imagine it made mornings much better for both of us...but I digress.  The songs my mom sang in the morning where cheery and wake up-y.  But at night they were more calm and mellow.  I can picture and even hear my mom singing her morning wake up songs.  And I know she had a handful of nighttime go to sleep songs, but the only one that I can hear and picture her singing in my head is Can't Help Falling in Love With You.  I think a great way to solidify your children's undying devotion is to sing to them at night.  I am not a parent, but I feel that is very sound parental advice and I am going to stand by it.

When I would visit my grandparents in the summer both of them would sing me to sleep.  My grandpa has quite a repertoire and I would venture to say that a few of my siblings and even some cousins have great memories of this as well.  In fact, Smoke Gets in Your Eyes is also a favorite of mine for the mere fact that when I was in high school and we lived with my grandpa he would play the song on the piano and sing...usually around midnight.  I really had an awesome childhood.

So there you have it...the reason for my favorite song of all time.  Even thinking about this memory right now I am getting a little choked up.  Just the other night I mentioned to my mom that it was my favorite song of all time, and she said, "well of course it is.  I use to sing it to you every night before bed."  In that moment the memories just came flooding back.  Just like they are now.

I am also a FIRM believer in the lyrics because I don't think we can help who we love...but that is a discussion for another blog on another day!

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